Curiosity is a good thing, it is the key to wisdom. Your own curiosity will be your greatest teacher, you should trust your intuition more than you trust any force to guide you. There is too much information out there for any one person to try and teach you all at once, far too many resources at your fingertips, but your curiousity is a sign that you are beginning to wake up.
Some places to start are Google, Youtube, Wikipedia, libraries, theological texts, other blogs, and like-minded individuals who are willing to answer your questions.
Questions like "What is a chakra?" "What is a pineal gland?" "What is an aura?" "How do I create an astrology chart?" "What is my rising sign?" "What is the Kybalion?" are all basic questions that I am happy to answer, but I taught myself these things or found teachers using the resources that I mentioned above. I was thirsty for knowledge and truth!
Don't be lazy...the best part of the journey to enlightment is the road you travel to get there.
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